Young sensation Vijay Deverakonda is on rage. The actor’s massive craze had only soared up more after Geetha Govindam’ success. This was followed up by him ranking in place in top 100 most paid actors in India. Well, we have another interesting news for you folks. Vijay has done a photoshoot for the Forbes magazine and the clip of which has gone viral. Not only the photo shoot, but the Forbes magazine will also have an exclusive interview with Vijay, which would be soon out. Isn’t that an exciting and great stuff to folks. What do you say?
Vijay Deverakonda Interview With Forbes
On the professinal front,Vijay will be seen next in Dear Comrade. The actor fir the second time has aired up with Rashimka Mandanna after Geetha Govindam. On the other side, Vijay is all set to make his debut in Ranveer Singh starrer ’83, based on the World Cup. While, Ranveer is playing former cricketer Kapil Dev, Vijay will be essaying cricketer Krishnamachari Srikkanth. The news has also been confirmed by entertainment tracker Ramesh Bala who tweeted, ” Actor @TheDeverakonda set to play Cricketer #KrishSrikanth in 1983 India’s World Cup winning sage “1983” Will be his #Bollywood debut.. @RanveerOfficial plays #KapilDev”. Isn’t this an exciting stuff folks?