Following the release of “Jailer,” the next highly anticipated film from the Kollywood industry is “Leo,” featuring Thalapathy Vijay in the lead role and directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. Interestingly, actor Vishal was originally considered for a role in this action-packed movie, as he revealed during the promotion of his upcoming film, “Mark Antony.”
Vishal disclosed that Lokesh had approached him for a part in “Leo,” but he had to decline the offer at the time. The reason for his refusal was his prior commitment to another project. Vishal explained that juggling two movie roles simultaneously would have been overwhelming and could have led to him feeling like he had a split personality.
In his own words, Vishal said, “I expressed my regrets to Lokesh because he required me to dedicate four months to ‘Leo,’ which I couldn’t do due to my commitment to ‘Thupparivaalan 2.'” Notably, Vishal serves as both the lead actor and director in the sequel “Thupparivaalan 2,” and he wanted to focus on one project at a time to ensure his best performance.