While filming for the short film Scotland, actor Adam Saini experienced a mild heart attack. However, that did not deter the actor’s spirit of continuing to shoot the rest of the film. Actress Khusboo Purohit who plays Adams’ daughter in the film, revealed that the actor was not feeling well during the shoot but did not stop working until pack up was announced.
Another interesting fact is that Scotland is Adam Saini’s debut film. Such determination truly shows Adam’s love for the craft he hones while believing that the show must definitely go on no matter what comes his way.
Scotland is a story of a wronged father deciding to get back at four criminals who rape his daughter; the film is inspired from real incidents that keep popping up in newspapers. It holds a mirror in front of society by confronting us with the heartbreaking reality of violent crimes against women in the country.
(Scotland is releasing on August 7, 2020 only on ShemarooMe’s Box Office)