Pink, starring Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu in the lead roles, was a big hit at the box office. This thought-provoking courtroom drama was both critically acclaimed and also was a super successful venture. Recently, it got remade in Tamil as Nerkonda Parvaai, with Ajith in the lead role. Even the remake was a big hit in Tamil. Now, the film is coming to the Telugu film industry, with Dil Raju bagging the remake rights.
The Telugu remake will feature Power Star Pawan Kalyan in the lead role while Nivetha Thomas will reprise the role of Taapsee. Sriram Venu of MCA fame, will direct the project. The shoot will start in January 2020. Now, the music sittings have started with Thaman as the music director. Yesterday, Dil Raju’s banner Sri Venkateshwara Creations’ official handle tweeted, “#SVC40 is a remake of PINK. Music composing session starts off on a superb note with @MusicThaman giving a terrific tune. Directed by Sriram Venu.”
Immediately, Thaman replied by tweeting, “#godbless My first very big journey with our hero gaaru. My third with @dilraju_svcgaaru & my director #VenuSriram gaaru. Kick started our compositions today.” This is Thaman’s first project with Pawan Kalyan and he is pretty excited about it. The film will hit the screens in summer 2020.