Tara Sutaria made her Bollywood debut with Student Of The Year 2. The film is ticking well at the box-office with raining moolah for the producers. Apart from her work front, Tara has been in the new of seeing Sidharth Malhotra. Ask her about this, she says, “He’s super cute and sweet and I am sure he will make for a great boyfriend, but I’m single”.
Tara further adds, “From the day we met, people have been talking about our chemistry. Considering our film is a love story, it’s amazing that we have that bond and share a great friendship. Everyone knows we are neighbours. We hang out often. We share a lot of similarities as well”.
Post, SOTY 2, Tara will be seen in Marjaavan alongside Sidharth. She also has Hindi remake of Telugu hit film – RX 100. Talking about Marjaavan, she says, “Marjaavaan is dramatic, violent, and an emotional drama. It’s a completely massy film”.