Kannada film industry’s star actor Kicha Sudeep has become a pan-Indian actor by acting in various other language films like Eega, Phoonk 2, Raktha Charitra, Vijay’s Puli. Soon, he will also be seen in a key role in the Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Syeraa Narasimha Reddy. Meanwhile, Sudeep is gearing up for his Kannada film Pailwaan’s release.
Directed by Krishna, Pailwaan is an action drama which features Sudeep as a wrestler. The film is being dubbed into Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam as well. The theatrical trailer of the film was released yesterday and going by it, it looks like the redemption journey of a celebrated wrestler.
The Telugu version of the film is titled as Pehlwaan. Bollywood’s star hero Suneil Shetty played another important role in the movie. Malli Raava and Devadas fame Akanksha Singh played the female lead in this film which is all set to release worldwide on the 12th of September.