The world of Kollywood is abuzz with excitement as two powerhouses, superstar Vijay and the visionary director Venkat Prabhu, come together for their latest venture, tentatively titled Thalapathy 68.
What’s confirmed is that Vijay will be taking on a dual role, adding a layer of intrigue to this highly-anticipated project. However, social media has been rampant with speculations regarding Sneha’s role in Thalapathy 68.
These rumours gained traction when director Venkat Prabhu shared an intriguing Instagram story featuring the accomplished actress. It’s important to clarify that Sneha’s presence alongside the director is part of her promotional efforts for the upcoming project, Shot Boot Three.
Backed by AGS Entertainment and enriched by the musical genius of Yuvan Shankar Raja, Thalapathy 68 promises to be a cinematic spectacle worth waiting for. Stay tuned for the latest updates on the film’s production.