Senior actress Kamala Kumari known by her stage name Jayanthi, who has acted in over 500 films in all the South Indian languages, has been hospiatlised in Bengaluru after she complained of severe asthma and breathing problem. Her son Krishna Kumar has confirmed the news adding that she has tested negative for COVID-19. She is said to be in stable condition and is responding well to the treatment. A few years back, the death news of the veteran actress got widely shared on social media, but it was quashed as mere rumour by her son.
Veteran actress Jayanthi is a popular face in Kannada cinema who is dubbed as “most bold and beautiful”. She was also given the title of “Abhinaya Sharadhe”, (Goddess Sharada in acting). In her stellar career, she has acted with biggest stars like M. G. Ramachandran, Gemini Ganeshan and Sr NTR. She got married to actor and director Peketi Sivaram, with whom she has a son Krishna Kumar.