Sarileru Neekevvaru director Anil Ravipudi has been blessed with a baby boy. Both mother and baby are doing fine. The new was first broken by Superstar Mahesh Babu who congratulated the couple on becoming proud parents. The arrival of baby boy certaily odubles the happiness of Anil Ravipudi as his upcoming film, Sarileru Neekevvaru is all set for a grand release on January 11.
Congratulating Anil, Mahesh Babu wrote, “It’s a baby boy for my director @AnilRavipudi!! Congratulations to the proud parents…Loads of love & blessing to the lil one. Shine on brother (sic)”. With the news spreading, many celebrities and the general public took to Twitter to wish the parents on their new arrival. Meanwhile, the makers had organised a Sarileru Neekevvaru pre-release on a grand scale. Megastar Chiranjeevi has been invited as the special chief guest.
Also Read: Sarileru Neekevvaru producer: Biggest film of Superstar
It’s a baby boy for my director @AnilRavipudi!! 😍😍😍 Congratulations to the proud parents…Loads of love & blessing to the lil one. Shine on brother 🤗🤗🤗
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) January 5, 2020
Congratulations Tammudu @AnilRavipudi for being blessed with a baby boy 🤗🤗
— Gopichand Malineni (@megopichand) January 5, 2020
What a wonderful day for the little baby boy to arrive. Congrats to our director @AnilRavipudi . Wishing nothing but best to the baby boy and family.
— Anil Sunkara (@AnilSunkara1) January 5, 2020
Congratulations to Successful Director @AnilRavipudi and family for being blessed with a baby boy.
— Vamsi Kaka (@vamsikaka) January 5, 2020