In his quest for significant success, Naga Chaitanya is leaving no stone unturned in his upcoming Geetha Arts Production film under the direction of Chandoo Mondeti. This movie is set to become the most expensive venture in Naga Chaitanya’s career, with him portraying the character of a boat-driving fisherman.
The title ‘Thandel’ is under consideration for this film, to be used in all languages. Exciting news has surfaced regarding the leading lady opposite Naga Chaitanya in this film. As it’s touted to be an intense love story inspired by real events, the role calls for a strong actress.
The makers have chosen the talented Sai Pallavi, who previously shared the screen with Naga Chaitanya in the highly successful film “Love Story,” directed by Sekhar Kammula. But we have come to know that she has yet to give the nod to the film and has kept everyone in waiting.