Premam is not only considered as a classic in Malayalam film industry but also among all other south Indian film industries. One character from the movie, which remained close to the hearts of audience is Malar, played by Sai Pallavi. In fact, most of the people know Sai Pallavi as Malar even today. Meanwhile, this beauty is making her debut in Telugu with Varun Tej’s Fidaa.
Directed by Shekhar Kammula, Fidaa is a love story between an NRI guy and Telangana girl. Latest reports suggest that Sai Pallavi has also signed her second Telugu film. She will be seen as the lead heroine in Manjula’s directorial film which will have Sundeep Kishan in the lead role. The shoot of this coming of age love story will start in February. Anyways, an official confirmation is awaited regarding this news.