BBC and NorthStar Entertainment have joined hands for ‘Gaalivaana’. Senior heroine Radhika Sarathkumar and senior hero Sai Kumar will headline the series. Chandini Chowdary, Nandini Rai, Chaitanya Krishna, Thagubothu Ramesh, Jyothi Pradeep, and Ashritha Vemuganti from the rest of the cast. It has been 50 years since Sai Kumar started his journey in a big way.
He has essayed a number of amazing roles as a male lead and in pivotal roles. He is now stepping into the OTT world. ‘Gaalivaana’ is his first web series. As for Radhika, the versatile actress has been a successful film artist, besides taking the TV segment by storm over the years. She is embarking on an exciting journey in the OTT space now.
“We have already started the shoot of the web series. It’s the first time that a European show has been adapted into Telugu. Suitable changes have been made to the original to suit the Telugu nativity,” NorthStar Entertainment and ZEE5 have said. BBC is entering the regional market with the show. It is the world’s oldest national broadcaster and has a history spanning over 100 years.
Sharan Kopisetty of ‘Thimmarasu’ fame is wielding the megaphone. Sujatha Siddartha is its cinematographer.