Dakshina’ is a Female Oriented suspense thriller starring ‘Kabali’ fame Sai Dhanshika in a role. The film is directed by Osho Tulasiram, who directed successful female-oriented films like ‘Mantra’ and ‘Mangala’ starring Charmy Kaur in the lead role.
‘Dakshina’ is being produced by Ashok Shinde under the Cult Concepts banner. The shooting part of this film is already finished. Ashok Shinde, the producer of the film said that Dakshina, has a strong emotional plot and story revolves around a Psycho thriller.
Sai Dhanshika plays the role of an IPS officer and acted brilliantly in a very powerful role. The producer also said that after the release of ‘Dakshina’ Sai Dhanshika would gain more fame. She has done so many films but is not finding her feet as of yet and has pinned a lot of hope on Dakshina.
The producer also says that ‘Dakshina’ will also set a trend like ‘Mantra’ and ‘Mangala’ movies. The shoot was finished within 45 days in different cities like Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, and Goa.