Ram Gopal Varma is the king of controversies who is busy with the post-release promotions of the film Lakshmi’s NTR. The film already released in Telangana state and also overseas. The film is due for a release in Andhra Pradesh tomorrow, May 1, 2019.
The state government in AP is not letting RGV enter the state. RGV called for a press meet yesterday where he spoke about how the government is trying to spoil the freedom of a filmmaker. “By doing this, they are only helping me with the publicity of my movie,” said RGV yesterday, during a press meet in Hyderabad.
Also Read: RGV: 16 questions, 16 hours
Directed by Ram Gopal Varma and Agasthya Manju, Lakshmi’s NTR is produced by Rakesh Reddy. The film is expected to release tomorrow but we have to see if the director might face any hurdles again.