Veteran Actress Rekha had ruled the hearts of youth in the 70s and 80s. She is also known for her alleged relationship with Big B Amitabh Bachchan. Not many people know that Rekha has made her debut in acting with Telugu film Rangula Raatnam directed by legendary filmmaker BN Reddy. After a long gap, she is now all set to re-enter into Telugu cinema.
According to the sources, Rekha has signed for an important role in an upcoming film which will have Poorna in the lead role. Touted to be a thriller, this film is being directed by debutant Surya. Apparently, this film will feature three generations of the lead heroine Poorna. Rekha will be seen as her daughter in the past episodes. Apparently, this episode will be shot in black and white. Rekha will join the sets in January.