Ravishing actress Rakul Preet Singh is a busy bee in Bollywood as well. After “Yaariyan” and “Aiyaary” Rakul will be seen next in “De De Pyaar De” starring Ajay Devgn and Tabu, directed by Luv Ranjan. Talking about her role, Rakul says she has prepped up a lot for the character and hopes to get acceptance from people and within the industry for her role. “People generally think that in a big actor’s film, the girl might not have much to do, but this has a lot for me to do. I hope that I get acceptance from people for that role, from the industry and I hope that I have lived up to everyone’s expectations… everyone associated with that film,” says Rakul.
Sharing screen space with Ajay and Tabu, Rakul adds, “Working with two such amazing, fine actors makes you push your envelope. And I just can’t wait for it to come out. Now I’m just counting days for the release”. The film helmed by Luv Ranjan is all set to hit the screens in May.