Twitter is berserk for the past few days between Meera Chopra and Jr NTR fans’ controversy. Actress Poonam Kaur has now lend her two cents by tweeting on the issues, While she didn’t tag neither Meera nor Jr NTR but with a series of tweets she responded stating how in the past she was also a victim of cyber-bullying, but she didnlt file any case as she considers fans are mere innocent and are only influenced.
While my name is dragged consistently for no reason ,till date I have not complaint a single thing on fans, Itruly believe they are innocent nare instigated my middlepeople of media for their gains ,I have launched complain only on people whotroubled me.Don’t blame fans for wars
— पूनम कौर ❤️ poonam kaur (@poonamkaurlal) June 5, 2020
Also Read: KTR reacts on Meera Chopra’s complaint
In another series of tweets she adds that it could also have a political connection done with vested interest for political gain. She wrote, “We don’t even know if these fans are fake accounts created by political gains and in the end, the actor gets blamed no matter who it is …. accept that our industry is interlinked with one political party each. Fans are innocent people; few political people are evil. They do these acts”.
We don’t even know if these fans are fake accounts created by political gains and at the end the actor gets blamed no matter who it is …. accept that our industry is interlinked with one political party each .fans are innocent people ,few political people are evil .they do this
— पूनम कौर ❤️ poonam kaur (@poonamkaurlal) June 5, 2020