Popular comedy show Patas starring SreeMukhi and anchor Ravi has landed in trouble. The show carried a spoof on the reality show Bigg Boss dubbed as “Abbas Show” and had satirical names of the contestants. The show makers uploaded the video of the programme today (September 15) and withing short span of time the video got more dislikes and hate comments for degrading Kaushal. In the show they took a jibe at Kaushal stating that his game is “planned” through “paid votes”. Chech out the screen shot of the mentioned video with astonishing number of dislikes:
Meanwhile, Kaushal fans have spilled out the bitter truth that surfaced online against Deepthi Nallamothu that she has tied up with marketing agency Ramit IT solutions which is campaigning for her though paid votes. The fans are distubred by it and are trending the hashtag #DeepthiFakeVotingExposed #ramitsolutions. A barrage of tweets are there on social media with demanding action against Deepthi for colluding for paid votes.
Taking about the craze Kaushal has gathered is evident from the 2K runs being held. After a successful 2K run in Madhapur, a smiliar run is being organised in Vizag and Vijayawada. The fans of #kaushalarmy already started the hashtag on it making the fans to know of such event.