Nayanthara has now become the top most actress in South India. Entered as a glamor doll, Nayan slowly proved her mettle and now can do any type of roles. She is one of the versatile actresses in the South Indian film industry at this point of time. From a past few months, it is being rumored that Nayan is dating director Vignesh Shivan of Naanum Rowdy Thaan fame.
Though the couple never confirmed the news many people made conclusions by looking at the pictures of this duo on the internet. Apparenlty, Nayan celebrated Onam and Christmas with Vignesh. The other day one more picture of her popped up on the internet where she was seen sporting a v shaped ear-ring. This picture has further cemented the rumors. Many people are speculating that Nayan indirectly confirmed her relationship. Anyway, we have to wait for an official announcement.