King Nagarjuna scored two big hits this year with Soggade Chinni Nayana and Oopiri. He is currently acting in the devotional flick Om Namo Venkateshaya under K. Raghavendra Rao’s direction. He also launched another film Raju Gari Gadhi 2 which is being helmed by Ohmkar. Now, latest reports suggest that Nag has signed on more film.
Apparently, this will be a multi-starrer film and will have young actor Nikhil in another lead role. It will be helmed by Chandoo Mondeti of Karthikeya and Premam fame. It seems that Nag immensely liked the script narrated by Chandoo and immediately okayed it. The makers are considering Ramya Krishna to pair up opposite Nagarjuna and either Manjima Mohan or Mehreen Kaur will romance Nikhil. Anyways, an official confirmation is awaited reagrding this project.