Mehreen Pirzada has refused to return her advanced fee for the untitled flick which she was paid when signed as the leading actress. But now the producer Kushi wants her to return the amount as he wants her to get replaced by other actress. The verbal spat has now reached the MAA where Mehreen has said that as she gave her dates to this film she lost two movie offers, making her income go away.
The chaos all started after Sudheer Babu walked out of the project. Later, producer Kushi ropen in Chiranjeevi’s son-in-law Kalyaan Dhev and then wanted to cast other heroine replacing Mehreen.
Meanwhile, a source says, “Mehreen has gone through a lot mentally in this matter and is very upset about the way things have shaped up. Since she is a member of MAA (Movie Artiste Association), she has brought this matter to their notice. She is also ready to return the advance amount subject to how things are decided by the authorities”.