Superstar Mahesh Babu has yet again showed his philanthropic side. The Sarileru Neekevvaru actor offered financial aid to needy family and saved one-month old baby’s life who suffered from a severe heart ailment. The couple hailing from West Godavari district came to Vijayawada and got admitted their child at a private hospital. However, upon learning about the expensive treatment they remained helpless. However, Mahesh Babu’s team who got to know of the situation informed the same to the actor, who then extended financial help thus saving baby’s life.
Namrata shared the story with a write-up which reads, “Yet another success story with the team at Andhra hospital!! Really appreciate the doctors helping people in the hour of need even during such troubled times, taking care of these babies and giving them a life worth living. Extremely happy to know that the child has recovered and is ready to be discharged from the hospital. Blessings to the boy and his family. Special thanks to Dr. PV Rama Rao, chief of Children’s Services & his team. Thank you once again for doing this. #savingbabies” (sic