PSV Garuda Vega’s Rajasekhar, Vijay’s Adirindhi, Manoj’s Okkadu Migiladu, Nagarjuna’s Raju Gari Gadhi 2 and Ravi Teja’s Raja The Great have been ruling the box office since past couple of days.
Here are latest collections of all the movies:
Okkadu Migiladu: 5.8 Cr
PSV Garuda Vega: 29.30 Cr
Adirindhi: 17 Cr
Raja The Great: 31 Cr
Raju Gari Gadhi 2: 30 Cr
PSV Garuda Vega is leading among all the movies and it has long run for another few days. The word of mouth has remained strong since its release. Vijay’s Adirindhi is one of the Biggest hit in Telugu film in his career and it is doing good business at the box office. Adirindhi got postponed for few days when it was actually supposed to release that has become a plus point for filmmakers. Many of Telugu audience are watching it to know why BJP ruling party has asked to cut the scenes which are related to GST Issues and Digital India.
Raja The Great and Raju Garu Gadhi 2 has released before Diwali within one week gap but Ravi Teja’s movie is doing wonders at the box office compared to Raju Garu Gadhi 2.