Bigg Boss 2 Telugu winner Kaushal Manda has got a rousing reception from his fans who fondly call themselves as Kaushal Army. After his win, Kaushal along with his family was escorted by his fans who made grand arrangements for the celebrations. A video of this is doing rounds on social media. Meanwhile, Kaushal in his emotional speech to his fans spoke about Mahesh Babu and Pawan Kalyan.
Speaking about Pawan Kalyan, Kaushal said that he knew Pawan Kalyan long back, adding, Pawan appreciated his hard work and gave advice stating that the relentless hard work is tough but what is more challenging is to sustain that effort for lifelong. Kaushal said that the respect he earned from his fans due to Bigg Boss, he will try to sustain that forever. He then went on to speak about Mahesh Babu, saying it was his dream to have his modelling agency in Hyderabad and Superstar Mahesh Babu supported him.
Meanwhile, Kaushal who walked away with the hefty briefcase loaded with Rs 50 lakh has done the unthinkable. Kaushal has announced that he is donating the money for the use of Cancer patients, as his mother had passed away with the same serious illness.