Bollywood bombshell Katrina Kaif has soared the temperature with her latest wild picture on Instagram. The actress is seen in a bikini flaunting her curves in water and the caption reads, “Flippin’ out.” Her picture has drawn likes and comments not only from netzines but her -town friends like Anushka Sharma, Dia Mirza and filmmaker Kabir Khan.
The other day, Katrina posted a video wearing a short redress with the caption, “Heading into the weekend (with a dash of red) like……” To this, Deepika Padukone smitten by her figure posted, “Stop it”. On her equation with Deepika before she got invited to her wedding she had said on Karan Johar chat show, “I’m really excited about all these weddings. I want to wear nice clothes and go to attend… I might not be invited for any, but that’s a separate thing. But in my mind I’m looking forward to an invitation.”
Professionally, Katrina who was last seen in Thugs of Hindosthan will be seen in Ali Abbas Zafar’s Bharat. The film has Salman Khan, Disha Patani and Tabu as well.