It was Deepti Naval the other day who underwent angioplasty and yesterday it was Kapil Dev. The cricketer gave his fans throughout the world some tense moments. He has been hospitalized after undergoing a heart attack. He underwent angioplasty and is currently taking rest and is expected to be discharged within a few days. Kapil Dev is aged 61 and the emergency coronary angioplasty took place at the Fortis-Escorts Heart Institute Hospital in south Delhi, the hospital confirmed in a statement on Friday evening.
Angioplasty is a procedure to restore blood flow through the artery. Atul Mathur, Director of Cardiology Department at the Fortis-Escorts Heart Institute, performed the angioplasty after Kapil reached the hospital at 1 am on Friday. “Former India cricket captain Kapil Dev came to the emergency department of Fortis-Escorts Heart Institute (Okhla Road) at 1 am on Friday with a complaint of chest pain. He was evaluated and an emergency coronary angioplasty was performed by Atul Mathur, Director of Cardiology Department, in the middle of the night,” said a hospital statement.
“Currently, he is admitted to ICU and under close supervision of Atul Mathur and his team. Kapil Dev is stable now and he is expected to get discharged in a couple of days,” it said. Another doctor, who did not wish to be identified, had earlier told a news agency that the angioplasty was done under local anaesthesia, and normal patients are kept in hospitals for 48 to 72 hours before being discharged. “Since Kapil has a sugar problem for a long time, there could be an issue with such patients. In diabetic patients, the blood vessels have more calcium deposits. So that is an issue that could happen to patients undergoing angioplasty. But he is stable,” the doctor told a news agency. There is a WhatsApp group of the 1983 World Cup-winning Indian team and all the news related to the members of that team are shared on it. Meanwhile the stars of film 83 have Tweeted their prayers and concern for Kapil Dev.