Thalaivi is based on the life of Former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Jayalalithaa. Thalaivi is also the most awaited film of Kangana Ranaut. A few months back she had said that the film has already sold the digital rights for Rs 55 crore, adding that it will not release on these platforms directly. Amid lockdown, all work was stalled, leaving thousands of daily wage workers in dilemma over survival but now the shoot has begun and Kangana is back in the South and has resumed work from October 1 and shared her excitement on her social media pages. Now that she is back on the sets of Thalaivi, Kangana posted a few candid moments with director AL Vijay in between shots. In the photos, both are seen discussing scenes with an office set up as the backdrop. Kangana looks simply the best in a grey cotton saree with a white blouse which has frilled hem all over it. She has braided her heavy curls and is also seen wearing a pair of black-framed spectacles. The National award-winning actor posted the photos with a caption by calling a film set as the best place in the world. It read as “Good morning friends, these are some stills from yesterday’s early morning scene discussion with my absolutely talented and most affectionate director A.L Vijay Ji, there are many amazing places in this world but the most soothing and comforting to me is a film set #Thalaivi.”
Earlier while talking about Thalaivi to a newspaper, Kangana called herself as a ‘director’s actor’. She said, “I think, on the set, the director is my best friend. I don’t feel like I have to be driven around like cattle. Most actors, they need to be brought out of the [vanity] van, but I’m not that. I make myself available at the director’s disposal, and that is why I look like a completely involved person.”