After delivering a hit Rakshasudu, director Ramesh Verma has chosen Ravi Teja for his film. They had worked together in Veera which was a dud at the box office, however this time the director has a good subject in mind. This Ravi Teja and Ramesh Verma film will start rolling from November 2 and A Studios is producing it. There were talks that Anu Emmanuel and Nidhi Agarwal are the heroines but it isn’t true. They have never been under consideration. The team wanted Kiara Advani or Pooja Hegde but since the dates were unavailable, they have opted for a newcomer Meenakshi Chowdhary who has been a beauty pageant participant. The second lead is Dimple Hayati who is technically known to industry insiders as Dasari Narayana Rao’s granddaughter. But how? She is Dasari’s eldest daughter in law’s neice’s (her sister’s daughter). She is also related to character artiste Prabha. Dimple has been looking for a break since she did the item number in Harish Shankar’s Gaddalakonda Ganesh; the film didn’t help her at all. She is good looking, sensual and talented, and a lot better than many Mumbai heroines. There is no reason why her family background should be kept under wraps. She is also doing Anand L Rai’s movie.