Rakshit Shetty is busy with the promotions of his forthcoming film, Athade Srimannarayana. Directed by Sachin and produced by P. Mallikarju and HK Prakash, the film is about telling a tale of treasure hunt through adventure tales. Kannada star also opened up about his adulation for Jr NTR.
Opening more about it, Rakshit said, “I hugely admire Jr NTR for the kind of energy he generates. He was also one of the motivating factors for me to get into the skin of the role”. Releasing in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and Kannada, Kirik Party star opens about the challenges they encountered in filmmaking. He said, “We had to endure several challenges in these three years during the filming. But we believe the content is universal and so we will have a multi-lingual release”.