Bollywood star hero Hrithik Roshan is currently very much busy working on an exciting project now. Very soon, he will be meeting the audiences along with Tiger Shroff for a new movie. Meanwhile, there is a buzz that Hrithik Roshan is planning to do a movie in the prestigious Geetha Arts production house.
Hrithik Roshan Movie With Geetha Arts?
If the things are believed to be true, Hrithik Roshan is on board to play Lord Rama in Ramayana- the epic film produced by Geetha Arts founder Allu Arvind. All the three producers of the movie are convinced with the choice of having Hrithik Roshan on board for the project.
Nitesh Tiwari of Dangal fame and Ravi Udyawar who directed Sridevi for Mom will be wielding the megaphone for this project.