Ravishing star Disha Patani will drive away your Monday blues with her latest picture. The actress has posted a picture where Disha is seen enjoying getting sun-soaked. She is dressed in nude cargo pants paired with a white T-shirt and her smile looks radiant which is sure to sweep you off your feet.
Of late, Disha also shared a video of herself trying ace low spinning sweep kick. The actress posted a caption which reads, “Spin to low spinning sweep kick💃” Apart from Bharat, the latest we hear is that Disha would be teaming up with Aditya Roy Kapur for Mohit Suri’s film, touted to be a revenge thriller. “Mohit Suri was keen on reuniting with Aditya Roy Kapur and thought that this would be a good script. He has also got Disha Patani on board. He seems to be quite impressed with the actress’ work and thinks that this would be a fresh pairing onscreen,” says a source.