As the nation has welcomed the Hyderabad encounter who were involved in the Hyderabad veterinarian’s gang-rape and murder, however, has send shockwaves to the accused families. The accused families have questioned the police ‘encounter’ theory.
The families of the two truck drivers and two cleaners said they would not have been upset if they had been punished by the court after a fair trial. Mother of Mohammed Pasha alias Arif, the main accused, broke down when media persons reached her house to speak to her. “I have lost my son. What do you want me to say?” the woman asked. The pregnant wife of another accused Chintakunta Chennakeshavulu wanted the police to kill her too. “I cannot live without my husband. Kill me too,” she said crying inconsolably. “The police picked up my husband promising to bring him back. But, they have now shot him dead,” said Renuka, who had married Chennakeshavulu about a year ago.
Rajappa, father of Jollu Shiva, wondered why the police did not give similar punishment to rapists and murderers in the past. “Why only my son and three others were killed?” he asked. Fourth accused Chollu Naveen’s father Ellappa lamented that the police did not allow him to meet his son. “They should have allowed us to meet and talk to him. The police had time to prove him and others guilty before the court and punish them,” he said.