The Telugu Bigg Boss 2 finale is around the corner and we got our top five contestants. After the elimination of rapper Roll Rida, the top five contestants are – Kaushal Manda, Samrat Reddy, Tanish Alladi, Geetha Madhuri and Deepthi Nallamothu. Apparently, it is speculated that Deepthi Nallamothu may not be in the race of Bigg Boss Telugu 2 finale. The buzz is that Deepthi may be removed in the upcoming episodes due to slack of votes. However, an official confirmation is awaited from the show organisers.
Deepthi Nallamothu Removed From Finale?
The Bigg Boss Telugu finale will be held on September 30 kickstarting from 6pm and audience are wondering who would be the chief guest of the Bigg Boss finale. And the buzz is that it would have two-star heroes and yes your guess is right. The show organisers are planning to have Jr NTR as the chief guest, however, an official information is yet to be made. Keep watching this space as we would inform you who would be the chief guest. Stay tuned for more updates.