Tollywood’s celebrate actor Ram Charan celebrates his birthday today, March 27. While hashtag #HBRamCharan trends on Twitter by his sea of fans and celebrity people, the actor got a special birthday gift. The special birthday greetings from Bollywood Shehansha Amitabh Bachchan has made his day and actor couldn’t be more thankful for this. Big B in a special video said, “I wish you all the success you deserve and this comes from me and my family here in Mumbai. You’re a wonderful person. I don’t know how old you’re going to be, but whenever I see you I feel like you are an 18-year-old.” Notably, he also concluded his speech in Telugu.
Thanks soooo much for this really sweeet message @SrBachchan Garu 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼this is the sweetest gift ever. My hands r still shaking. Soooooo excited. #happybirthday #ramcharan. Love u. ❤️❤️❤️
— Upasana Konidela (@upasanakonidela) March 27, 2019
Charan’s better half Upasana shared Charan’s words stating, “Thank you Amitabh Bachchan garu. Best birthday gift. I’m really touched”.
Thanks so much. 🙏🏼 @SrBachchan garu #HBDRamCharan
— Upasana Konidela (@upasanakonidela) March 27, 2019