Ashish Shukla’s ‘Bahut Hua Samman’, a satirical comedy is stylish and contemporary, revolves around the story of two engineering students who are part-time con men and decide to rob a bank in the quaint town of Varanasi. Unable to find a job after failing their final year of engineering, and influenced by an old man fondly known as Bakch*d Baba, their master plan goes totally awry as they realize that the bank has already been robbed and they have been arrested for it. In an attempt to clear their name, they soon fight off assassins, seasoned robbers, elite politicians and religious gurus; all while unraveling a larger scam. “The cast and plot twist is impressive and has got quite a lot of praises for the movie”, says Sanjay Mishra about his latest film, Bahut Hua Samman, that is streaming on Disney+ Hotstar starring Sanjay, Ram Kapoor, Raghav Juyal and others. The film began streaming from October 2..