Director Sriram Venu’s Vakeel Saab is one the biggest films anticipated among Telugu cinephiles. Considering this is Pawan Kalyan’s comeback after his entry into politics, expectations are sky-high. Further piquing curiosity and making the fans merrier, a still from Vakeel Saab is doing the rounds on social media since Sunday. The leaked still show courtroom scenes, having Pawan Kalyan draped in lawyers uniform while we also get to see actress Anjali in a simple outfit, where she appears to be his client.
While many were skeptical about the leaked image considering it to be morphed but its veracity was confirmed by Anajali who shared the image before deleting from her account. Interestingly, this is not the first team that a leaked still has surfaced. Previously, a leaked stil of Pawan in a hoodie speaking to a girl at a grocery store went viral. Then we saw a shot clip that was viral. Although, the team hasn’t addressed the leak yet. The courtroom drama also stars Nivetha Thomas, Ananya Nagalla and Prakash Raj in vital roles.
Vakeel Saab was supposed to release on May 15 but with COVID pandemic played a dampener. Meanwhile, the film shoot is under process at Annapurna Studios between Pawan and Prakash Raj.