Balakrishna Nandamuri is currently busy working on the prestigious project Ruler. KS Ravi Kumar is the director of the movie and this is the second movie in their combination. The actor wants to work with Boyapati Srinu in his next film. Balakrishna wanted to make sure everything goes smooth for his film with Boyapati Srinu. Already there are rumours that Balakrishna is going to work with talented technicians and actors for the film.
Sanjay Dutt is apparently in consideration to play a key role in the film and the hot topic in the movie industry is that Anirudh Ravichander is on board to score the music for the movie. As of now, there is no clarity on the speculations but if Anirudh comes on board for Boyapati Srinu’s movie, it is certainly going to be a crazy project. More details on the same will be out soon.