Anasuya is one actress who is quite bold in her approach. She puts up bold stuff on the net and also takes some negative comments in a serious manner. All those who scold her. Anasuya gives them a savage reply them.

The same happened the other day as a fan called her a Bit..h. But Anasuya did not stay back but she gave it back to her troller in her very own way. This was well appreciated by the fans and said such troller should be handled exactly like that.

“Its easy to comment isn’t it? Having punched out two babies and in the process developed low blood pressure and this particular “attention-seeking” incident took place at 5:30 am where we shot straight for 22 hours.. what exactly do you know to even notice Mr Aditya..?? Now you my dear are an Attention seeking B*d digging a 3-year-old video using it just to abuse me ‘bit**’?? uhuh.. won’t shy away from calling you. because you started it. but this is a bad me doing it. but the person my parents raised me is still there so the ***”. posted Anasuya.