Dusky siren Amala Paul has been in the news for her divorce with filmmaker Vijay, where in the filmmaker’s father AL Azhagappan had accused Dhanush for causing the divorce between Vijay-Amala. The news caused stirred in Kollywood circles with many raising eyebrows over Dhanush. However, Amala for the first time have spoken about the divorce Controversy and cleared the air on Dhanush role in her controversy.
Also Read: Dhanush gets blamed for Vijay-Amala marriage fall out!
Calling the divorce decision as hers she refuted Dhanush’s role and called the latter as her well-wisher.When asked about her second marriage, she denied that it isn’t happening anytime soon. On the personal front, recently her father Paul Varghese passed away at the age of 61 after battling from a serious ailment for a long time. The actress who came to know about this, rushed from the trailer launch of Andha Paravai Pola.