Mega Hero Varun Tej who recently tasted success with his gangster drama ‘Gaddalakonda Ganesh’ has now turned into a boxer for his upcoming boxing-themed movie. Allu Bobby is bankrolling this project whereas a newcomer Kiran Korrapati is helming this project. The shooting of the movie was supposed to get started 2 years ago and is finally getting ready to go on sets very soon.
As per the latest reports, after listening to the script, Allu Bobby decided to give a Hollywood touch for this movie. So, he has roped in fight choreographer Larnell Stoval, under whom Varun Tej got trained in Los Angeles a year ago. Larnell who composed boxing episodes for Salman Khan in the ‘Sultan’ and also worked for Hollywood films like Civil War, Kick Boxer, and Captain America is now onboard for Varun Tej’s film. Bobby wants to make no compromise when it comes to spending money on this film for his cousin Varun.
On the other hand, ‘iSmart’ beauties Nabha Natesh and Nidhhi Agerwal are going to play the female leads in this movie as well. More details regarding the other cast and crew members will get revealed very soon.