Allu Arjun, who is on cloud nine after scoring blockbuster hit with Ala Vaikunthapurramloo, went to Tirumala to offers prayers to Lord Balaji. Stylish Star was accompanied by his family – Sneha and kids Ayyan and Arha. Director Trivikram Srinivas was also spotted with them. The pictures of them at Tirumala are doing the rounds on social media.
Meanwhile, buzz has it that sequel of Ala Vaikunthapurramloo would come up. However, there is no official word regarding the same yet. The fans are now eagerly looking forward to see the dynamic director-actor duo work on the sequel of Ala Vaikunthapurramloo. On the other side, reports also have it that Allu Arjun wants to enter the Kollywood film industry. Although a film with Linguswamy got announced sometime back, there is no news about the film now. If the buzz is believed to be true, Allu Arjun wants to do a film in the direction of AR Murugadoss which releases in both Telugu and Tamil. Geetha Arts gave Murugadoss an advance amount long back and they might now put pressure on the director to come up with an interesting subject for Bunny.