Geetha Govindam is shattering the box-office records and is doing well in overseas collections too. Over this, Stylish Star Allu Arjun has hosted a grand party over Geetha Govindam success. The pictures show Allu Arjun in his uber cool black outfit, while Vijay sporting a jeans and rowdy t-shirt, along with Parsuram and producers Allu Aravind and Bunny Vyas. The film has been appreciated by celebrities like Chiranjeevi to Rajamouli to Mahesh Babu to name some.
Last night 😊#GeethaGovindam success party!
Hosted by Bunny anna— Vijay Deverakonda (@TheDeverakonda) August 19, 2018
Geetha Govindam is a rom-com film, where Vijay tries to impress Geetha with his clean character. The movie is a complete contrast to Vijay’s Arjun Reddy character. The film reportedly is breaching the one million dollar mark in the overseas. This shows the phenomenal success it is creating.
Earlier, we reported that Geetha Govindam theatrical rights have been sold for a whopping Rs 15 crore. This makes the highest ever for Vijay Deverakonda’s film to date. In both the Telugu states, it minted Rs 10.50 crore, while it fetched Rs 1.30 crore for Karnataka and Rs 0.50 crore from the sale of its rights elsewhere in the country. Meanwhile, its overseas distribution rights have been sold for Rs 2.70 crore.